
Healthcare, Finance, and Manufacturing Success Journeys based on SCOM Management Packs

NiCE SCOMathon 2022 session

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Healthcare, Finance, and Manufacturing Success Journeys based on SCOM Management Packs

NiCE SCOMathon 2022 session

Watch the SCOMathon session recording on Healthcare, Finance, and Manufacturing Success Journeys based on SCOM Management Packs. Christian Heitkamp gives a brief introduction on how Oracle, VMware, and M365 performance monitoring make the difference when applied to large environments.

Let us take you on a cross-industry journey focused on 3rd party workloads such as Microsoft 365, Teams, VMware, and Oracle monitoring. You will learn about key customer successes in the healthcare, finance, and manufacturing industries, featuring Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) as the foundation for highly-adaptive business service monitoring. Besides getting first-hand management pack development knowledge, you will also learn about valuable technical know-how.

About SCOMathon
SCOMathon is a community-driven event focusing on all things SCOM. It´s an annual online event, delivering massive SCOM content packed into 16hours. The Microsoft SCOM team, MVPs, experts, and customers showcase and discuss the latest updates, best practice tips, specific use case scenarios, and lessons learned during their SCOM migrations.


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